Saturday, February 7, 2009

Todd and Lee at work

I guess this is a day for nostalgia. Check out these two grubby looking little rats. Don't they look proud of the big hole they dug by the front door? Lee thought this might be the first sign that she was considering archeology as a career. They filled in the hole every night and dug it out again every morning. Hmmm, sometimes historical photographs might be more than a mom should look at . . . I wonder why I didn't wash the door once in a while--or ever by the looks of it.


Lee said...

I think you can blame the dirty door on the grubby little kids. And our dog, Kelly.

LoriW said...

Oh, my goodness! Talk about rushing back in time! Lee and Todd are so cute!!! And I think I have your recipe for Lemon Bars...must have gotten it from Mom. Love, Lori

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have that lemon bar recipe too. They are soooo good and my family just loves them. I might have to make them soon. And as soon as I saw that picture of Lee and Todd it made me lonesome for them. They were such cute little kids. Hi to them both!!!