Friday, February 20, 2009


I finally stepped into the modern age and set up a Facebook page less than two days ago. What an amazing tool for finding missing loved ones! My son has a FB page, and we can instant message each other, and I wrote on his wall. I found a niece I hadn't heard from in more than 30 years, and we have e-mailed each other and written on each other's walls. And I found my son's first girlfriend, from when they were 12! And we e-mailed each other and exchanged a couple of laughs. The story of the first girlfriend: I was so proud of Todd that he called a girl when he was 12 and was so polite. We planned he would invite her to lunch on a Saturday so they could have the entire afternoon to play. We had tater tot casserole for lunch. She was dropped off at our house by her dad, and when she arrived, she was a foot taller than Todd. She was wearing a skirt and hosiery! She was a young lady! We had a lot of fun entertainment planned--board games and MTV, and we had an Atari game. Things went well through lunch and for probably an hour or so, and then Todd's 12-year-oldness got on top of him, and he just had to do somersaults and acrobatics; couldn't help himself, that's what he did best. Hmmm, not a good thing for impressing young ladies. She was very politically correct, though, a very proper young lady, and didn't start crying or go home, but spent the rest of the day talking to Lee. I have shared this with hundreds of people and they all enjoyed it. Todd still makes me laugh and I was very happy to connect with the young lady so we could share the fun of this story.

1 comment:

Lee said...

That is so cute. I remember that, too. When I saw Lisa on Facebook, I wondered if she remembered that.