Monday, November 24, 2008

Greg and Newman Davidson

Aren’t they adorable? They are both miracles!

Little Newman was born about September 1, 2006. His mom was hit by a car when he was only a few days old, and he was rescued and taken to our vet’s office. I met him when he had just opened his eyes. The girls who worked at the vet’s office were bottle feeding him and they were so proud of him! When I told Greg about him, he called the vet’s office and asked if we could get our names on the list to be adoptive parents. Now that we know Newman better, we laugh about thinking there might have been a “waiting list” or a “lottery” for a home for him. I’m sure his care-givers were ecstatic that someone wanted to adopt him. As soon as he was one month old, the vet’s office called and told Greg he could come and get Newman. When he came to live with us, he was the size of two cotton balls—one for the head and one for the body. Once, Greg was unable to find him, and called me at work to let me know he was afraid he had thrown Newman in the washer with a load of clothes—but, no, Newman had just burrowed into a stack of whatever and had fallen asleep. I tell him everyday that he is a miracle for not getting stepped on, sat on, laid on, rolled over, or thrown in the washer. He is definitely Greg’s cat. He listens to everything Greg says, and everything Greg says is important. He does whatever Greg asks him to do, even fetches a rat. Doesn’t really sound much like a cat, huh? We tell him that he is more like a dog. We just love him!

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